Fall Showcase: The University Writing Program Celebrates Student Writers

by Russell Brakefield 

Each year during Fall Quarter, the Writing Program at the University of Denver hosts its much-anticipated Fall Showcase, an event that celebrates and elevates talented student writers from the previous academic year. The 2023 Fall Showcase was held last Tuesday night in the Community Commons and drew a diverse audience of students, parents, faculty, and other members of the DU community

The event, organized by Writing Program faculty and hosted by Professor David Riche, offered an exciting glimpse into the creativity and dedication of University of Denver student writers. Awards were presented to a select group of outstanding students, marking their achievements and contributions during their coursework in the 2022-2023 academic year. 

Professor Riche, who plays a major role in organizing the event each year, remarked on the event’s purpose to celebrate and thank students for their effort: “It’s about telling students that they inspire us through their effort, their insight, their empathy, and their creativity. It’s about thanking students for being who they are, and for writing what could be written only by them.” 

Throughout the evening the Writing Program presented students with a host of writing awards and one student with the prestigious Kornfeld Writers Scholarship. Writing Program faculty also recognized one student as a Distinguished Writing Minor and two Writing Center consultants for their exemplary work in the Writing Center last year. A full list of award participants can be viewed in the Showcase program below.  

In addition to recognizing excellence in student writing, the event also showcased the talent and passion of several students through readings and insightful comments. Attendees were also treated to the presentation of a student short film by Halle Beck and Tinsley Wilkinson. Maybe most importantly, the event offered students an opportunity to gather and celebrate each other’s writing achievements. Shivani Durvasula, a second year student and recipient of a Writing Excellence Award, commented that the event was a pleasure to attend. “The Writing Program exhibited immense gratitude for the students, allowing us to really appreciate our own writing achievements,” said Durvasula. “The evening was a true celebration that left me feeling proud of myself and encouraged to keep writing.”

Professor David Riche ended the event by inviting students to do just that, to keep writing. “Honorees,” said Riche, “keep writing. Not for our sakes—we already know how spectacular you are. Write because the world needs you to write…perhaps now more than ever. If you are ever stuck wondering if you have the right words to meet the occasion and then surpass it, take it from your writing teacher. You absolutely do.”

In the coming weeks, the Writing Center blog will proudly feature work by several students who were honored during Fall Showcase. Stay tuned!

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